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Inflicts Poison, Sleep and Web-bound statuses

 - From High Rank, it can no longer inflict Sleep, but has a much more potent Poison


Weakest to Fire [normal] and Thunder [Gypceros hide broken]


Weakest spots:

Belly > Head > Torso



Fangs, Poison Spikes and Hide can all be broken twice



 - Breaking the back twice will prevent it from dripping poison whilst on the ceiling when enraged.

 - To break the hide, hit the abdomen (or, if the poison spikes are broken, hitting the back can also break the hide).

 - You can tell the hide is broken, as the body turns white.

 - When enraged, its eyes and body markings turn red.

 - Throw a Flash Bomb when it's hanging upside-down will cause it to fall off and give a good opportunity for attacks.

Shrouded Nerscylla


Inflicts Poison, Paralysis and Web-bound statuses

 - From High Rank, it can no longer inflict Sleep, but has a much more potent Poison


Weakest to Fire [normal] and Ice [Khezu hide broken]


Weakest spots:

Belly > Head > Torso > Legs



Fangs, Poison Spikes and Hide can all be broken twice



 - Have no tips yet, let us know if you have any!

BnahabraBusters is a fan-made site and not endorsed by Capcom in any way, and we claim no copyright for any of the images or content on this site.

All content added by Adon or ZammyCat.

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