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No Element

Inflicts Stun


Weakest to Fire, then Thunder


Weakest spots:

Hump > Head (not horns) > Back Legs



Horns (twice), Humps, Tail (break and sever)



 - When broken, the tail can be mined if Duramboros falls over.

 - When broken, the damage Duramboros takes from attacks to his humps increases by more than 50%.

 - When spinning around, Duramboros can be tripped by attacks to the legs or a well thrown Flash bomb.

Rust Duramboros


No Element

Inflicts Muddy


Weakest to Water and Ice


Weakest spots:

Hump > Head (not horns) / Back Legs



Horns (twice), Humps, Tail (break and sever)



 - As with many subspecies, the Rust Duramboros fight is very similar to the original, but you will want a different elemental weapon.

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All content added by Adon or ZammyCat.

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